Mine Doors

Champion Door’s mine doors are made to withstand extreme conditions: dirt, moisture, dust and hot and cold air. Tarpaulin fold-up doors for cold northern conditions can be fitted with a fabric withstanding temperatures as cold as 60 degrees below freezing. Champion Door’s fabric fold-up door is the only model on the market with additional thermal insulation available as necessary. In a mine door with good thermal insulation, condensation of moisture on the door surface is minimal, and the door is highly reliable even in Arctic conditions.

The technology of fold-up doors designed for mining industry are built to withstand very dirty, moist and dusty conditions. The tight structure of the door protects the mechanism from the conditions, saves energy and increases employee comfort by preventing draught. The corrosion protection of the components makes the metal parts of the doors particularly strong. The doors have a long service life with little need for maintenance, so their life-cycle costs are highly affordable.

Champion Door mine doors:

  • Specially designed for dirty, moist and dusty conditions
  • Withstands extreme temperatures: –60...+70 °C
  • Additional thermal insulation as necessary
  • Corrosion protection
  • Little need for maintenance
  • High cost-efficiency


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